Ever wanted to watch something simple on a webcam like when the soup is cooking or when the bathtub is full, but you didn't want to fiddle around with webcam-positioning, power supply's, cables or smartphone-apps?
Then FlyingCam is made for You!!
FlyingCam is using a Ikea NÄVLINGE(TM) for it's flexible arm so the camera can easily point in every direction. With the attached USB-Power Bank it is highly portable because it needs no extra power supply. The parts used are easy to get or 3D printed, the hole system is build around ESP32 which is used also for the display.
For the camera the well known ESP32-CAM or the Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 Sense(recommended) can be used. Standmon(the display unit) uses the ESP32-8048S070 which is a 7" TFT with integrated ESP32-S3.
FlyingCam can be used standalone with the build-in wifi AP or in a local wifi network.
FlyingCam is optimized for fast setup and maximum simple usage, so no advanced config options, no fiddling around, just turn on and watch!
The FlyingCam project is OpenSource and is licensed under the GPLv3, parts from Espressif are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.